Making math “fun” and connecting it to the “real world” can be a little tough. The Let’s Play Math Blog post, Penguin Math, was a very easy read and explains a very simple technique to use in the classroom to help with word problems. Although it is fictional characters you are using for the word problem examples it still relates to a real world problem and students like to see where they can apply these new skills they are learning.
There are many ways you can connect math to student's lives. It is the job of the teacher to find out what students are interested in and how they can incorporate that into a math lesson. It is in this way that you hook the students interest in math. The site, Word Problems for Kids, gives a few examples of ways to relate to students (it is now outdated for current students as it was written in 1999). The site Plane also has an activities page for students to explore and do independent learning.
Another good site for older students to do some math independently is What Good is Math? This site offers a few different real world problems students can explore and solve on their own. This site also links to another page called Mathletics, which one math application to each sport it list. This would be great for those students that have more interests in sports over math to get them more interested in math.
Other Math Hook Examples:
Games- Elementary Math Games
Cool Math Sites

There are many ways you can connect math to student's lives. It is the job of the teacher to find out what students are interested in and how they can incorporate that into a math lesson. It is in this way that you hook the students interest in math. The site, Word Problems for Kids, gives a few examples of ways to relate to students (it is now outdated for current students as it was written in 1999). The site Plane also has an activities page for students to explore and do independent learning.
Another good site for older students to do some math independently is What Good is Math? This site offers a few different real world problems students can explore and solve on their own. This site also links to another page called Mathletics, which one math application to each sport it list. This would be great for those students that have more interests in sports over math to get them more interested in math.
Other Math Hook Examples:
Cool Math Sites

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